Friday, October 3, 2008


Had my first interview last night. With a prospective tennant. Thought it was going to be a breeze... a veritable breeze.

It was not.

Second interview happened today. No easier.

The first people inside liked the place and wanted to rent it. What are the odds of that? But I was upfront and told the family that I needed to show it to another family today. I'd already promised them. Family #1 took an application and told me that they would drop it off on Friday, to beat out the competition.

It feels weird to have someone fighting over something that I own. And it feels weird to hold someone's future in my hands. It just plain feels weird.

My little family went to dinner last night and toasted our new endeavor. We are undertaking something very powerful... and I'm not taking it lightly.

Don't know if I'm up for the task of all this power. Or maybe I'm just taking it all too seriously. Maybe I need another trip to Hawaii. Maybe I just need a drink... since the Hawaii fund is drained at the moment.

I wonder if that lockbox has sold on ebay yet...

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