Thursday, February 19, 2009

Colonoscopy rerun

So I had a follow up with my doctor today... following my colonoscopy. Remember that? I do, I DO!

And I had to tell her all about the fiber diet that I've been on since. Well, not much to say there. 'Cuz I'm not too good at following fiber diets.

And have I been taking my iron pills? Well, yes, until recently, when I decided that they weren't really agreeing with all of my internal organs.

And have I been taking my multivitamin? Yes, until I ran out of them. Okay, I didn't really run out... I pretended to run out. I mean, they are HORSE pills.

And have I been taking my fish oil? I mean my Omega-3's? Okay, yes, but it's conditional. They are big pills, too, and I can only choke down one. I'm supposed to take two. I promised to try harder.

Now. For my future. Since I'm having some intestinal troubles... I was... ordered... not asked... to give up caffeine. CAFFEINE? ARE YOU SO KIDDING? And not just caffeine, but ALL SODAS, ALL CARBONATED DRINKS.

I just died.

My friend Lori says, "Is life really worth living after that?!?!?!?!?!?"


And my tiredness? Come on! How can I kick my tiredness... and give up caffeine at the same time? I'm anemic, for heaven's sake!

Possibly my tiredness is from the anemia. My blood iron level was taken. I'll know the results in two days. Or in 3 weeks. That's really about how long it takes with these people.

And finally... I am due for some surgery. Some minor surgery. Some awful, minor surgery. Some scraping, some digging... yep, some awfulness. Date to be determined. Gee, I wonder what I'll have to drink before this procedure.

But the caffeine? That was the worst news of all. So I drove through a McDonald's on the way back to work and got a diet coke.

Hey, I can't break this habit overnight...

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