Nope, even if I had it I just couldn't spend $500 on a dinner ticket ... twice. Not even once. 'Cause yes, it would actually be twice that for both Rick and I to go. And so... we didn't buy a ticket. Or two tickets. Just couldn't pull that one off.
It was for a very worthy cause though. It was for a Lupus Gala with guest speakers and cocktails and a silent auction. Oh how I love a silent auction! But still.
And then I received this email today ... and my mouth is still down around my knees.
Hi Kris!
I would like to invite you & Rick to be our guests at the Lupus Research Gala this Saturday night, June 4th! We just had a donor give us tickets and they asked that we give them to deserving lupus of course we thought of you guys first! I know this is short notice but would you like to be our guests Saturday night????? :)
Jan Scoggins, Development Director
Lupus Foundation of America, North Texas Chapter
And you know what I said?
Here's the invitation:

Saturday, June 4, 2011
7:00 p.m.
Saturday, June 4, 2011
7:00 p.m.
Hilton Garden Inn-Allen, Texas
Distinguished Honoree: Dr. Thomas D. Geppert
Rheumatology Associates
Metroplex Clinical Research Center
Keynote Speaker: Sandra Raymond
President and CEO
Lupus Foundation of America, Inc.
An elegant evening celebration
Cocktail Reception, Gourmet Dinner, Silent Auction
Music by Christine Mercer
Cocktail Attire
Complimentary Parking
Lupus Foundation of America
North Texas Chapter
15660 North Dallas Parkway, Suite 120
Dallas, TX 75248
And if that wasn't nice enough ...
... we then got this via email:
As our special guests, we would like to invite you to a pre-gala private reception to meet Sandra Raymond, President & CEO of the Lupus Foundation of America, Inc. and Distinguished Honoree Dr. Thomas Geppert.
This private reception will begin at 6 p.m. at the Hilton Garden Inn in a private reception room. Just ask the concierge where the Lupus Private Reception is taking place!
Please let us know by email if you will be attending this reception.
~ Jan
And so... we quickly freed ourselves of our Saturday night plans (yes, we actually had some, wouldn't you know it) and rsvp'd to this event.
I'm guessing my usual Saturday night attire won't be appropriate? I'm sure these folks have seen sweats before ...
I could put some rhinestones on them ...
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