Saturday, June 4, 2011

It's Here! It's Here!

I received word from a friend of mine today ... that he'd just bought my book from  Now imagine my jaw hitting the ground.  And the spacey look in my eyes.  And the shriek I let out to tell Rick to COME HERE NOW!  He didn't.  He was in the shower.  But I'm sure he would have.

You see, I've been waiting for MY COPY of my book ... which HAS NOT ARRIVED YET!  I'm sort of, kind of, maybe probably, SUPPOSED TO HAVE FINAL SAY.  I think.  I mean ... what if there's a typo?  What if ... what if ... what if ...

What if the subject of the book hasn't even read it yet?  Yep, true dat.  He wanted to wait until it was published.  WHICH WASN'T SUPPOSED TO BE FOR ANOTHER EIGHT, 8, 4 + 4 WEEKS!

Whoa!  Everything suddenly all happened so fast.

Here I was, all dressed up and headed to a Lupus Gala with Rick when I got the word.  I barely even had time to click on all the links to see where the book was!  Oh, but rest assured, I made the time.  Yes I did.  The Lupus Gala could wait!!!

And, even though I have not seen the final book ... it is definitely available at and Barnes&  And, uh, here. 

So... you can either click on the little shoes up there and order said book.
Or... you can go to
Or... you can go to Barnes&
Or... a bunch more places that I don't even know about yet.

OR ... let me make this easy for you -



Or even here.

I don't mind which one you choose.

Here's the title:  High Top Tennies, Rick Kahle & A Whole Lotta' Prayer
Here's the author:   Kris Kellar Kahle

And here's where I collapse from the sheer exhaustion of this fine Saturday.



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