Monday, January 19, 2015

3 day weekend

Whether you believe me or not, it's true.  I've had a very nice weekend.  Yes, even with Rick in the hospital.  I relaxed, I slept, I shopped, I ate single-girl food, I watched TV, I computered ... and I'm even planning to clean my house.

I said planning to.  Don't hold me to that last proclamation.

Today is Monday and the day that Rick is supposed to move from the hospital to a "skilled nursing facility" so that he can "rehab" with the best of them.  Sure.  Rehab with a million old ladies asleep in their wheelchairs is more like it.  But either way, my single-girl life is supposed to continue for a little bit longer.  I am SO hoping it does.  I'm enjoying my break.

Not everyone is enjoying this little break, though...


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