Monday, October 5, 2009

October is Lupus Awareness Month!

Although overshadowed enormously by Breast Cancer Awareness... and I don't ever want to diminish the need for our awareness there... Lupus has its own month as well.

October. October is Lupus Awareness Month.

Lupus. Lupus Erythematosis. Lupus Cerebritis. Rick has them all. Rick is the poster child for Lupus Cerebritis. So much so that his doctor in California says, "In the dictionary, Rick's picture is next to the word Lupus."

How I wish this weren't true.

Lupus is an auto-immune disorder in which the body is basically allergic to itself. I like to say that it's the exact opposite of AIDS. Where folks with AIDS have immune systems that are breaking down, folks with Lupus have overactive immune systems. Their bodies are trying to fight off everything... including all of the good stuff, like livers, kidneys and in Rick's case, his brain.

But... I want to move forward in a more positive manner. As we continue to search for a cure for this disease, please consider donating to our cause.



More people have lupus than AIDS, Cerebral Palsy, Multiple Sclerosis, Sickle-Cell Anemia and Cystic Fibrosis... combined.

And millions of people suffer from lupus and don't even know they have it.

Please honor Rick with a donation to help us find a cure. And don't forget that October is not only Breast Cancer Awareness month... it's also Lupus Awareness month.

Rick and I will never, ever forget it.

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