Sunday, May 16, 2010

1st grade artwork

Artwork from the 1st graders is always hanging outside my door at my Thursday elementary school. Cats, Dr. Suess animals, trees, frogs....

Today's faire was pretty cool. Giraffes.

Dancing giraffes, maybe? Flying giraffes? Certainly unique giraffes...

I actually saw myself in a few of these giraffes....

Here, I'm jumping over a lake. I mean, waterfall.

Here I am dancing in a forest. I need to eat more. I've lost a little too much weight in this picture.

But here's my favorite... I'm still jumping over a lake... but oh, look at my form! I am absolutely flying!

I love 1st graders.

Well, at least, I love their artwork...

I'm not even sure I knew what a giraffe was at age 5. And I certainly didn't know how to make them fly....

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