Friday, March 9, 2018

bang, bang .... my baby shot me down

The reference to Cher's song actually does not apply here.  My baby didn't shoot me down.  But the roofers did.  Down, dead.  And I was ready to shoot all of THEM at 6 AM this morning.

 So ... the roof is going up; the buckled wall has been repaired; and all is right with the world.

Oh wait.  We still haven't had the surgery.

Okay ... once we get the surgery taken care of, all will be right with the world.

Oh wait.  We still have to find a house to live in.

Okay ... once we decide on which house to buy, all will be ...

Oh wait.  Gotta sell our house first.

So ... the roof is going up; the buckled wall ...


Except Spring Break starts in approximately THREE hours.

Ahhhhh, all is right with the world.


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