I have a small collection of roosters that live in my kitchen. No, not real ones. Not the ones that wake up at 5:00 am and try to get the rest of the world up with them. Nope, mine are silent. And I like them that way.
I've collected them from all over the world... places as exotic as Kohl's and Target. You know, places that no one else would ever go to.
Actually two of them are from Santa Fe, New Mexico. They're probably worth the most. Because a Target in Santa Fe is just... well, better than a Target in Frisco, Texas.
My favorite rooster? This little guy...

I made him. Yep. I am very skilled at making roosters. Yes, I am.
I made him back in the 5th grade. He is made with a cookie cutter and some resin that my mom had to make those oh-so-lovely bunches of resin grapes that used to adorn my parent's coffee table when I was growing up. I hated those grapes. And every house in the neighborhood had a set.
My mom made them. She was not particularly artsy-crafty. No, it was just the trend. To create your own bunch of grapes and then proudly display them on your coffee table for about twenty years. At Christmas time, my mom's other craft project would come out... a Reader's Digest angel that everyone in the neighborhood made, too.
So, you can see that we were not crafty people. Well, I was. I made that rooster. That orange resin cookie cutter rooster... with the green foot. How'd that green resin get on there?
Why do I post him here? Because I just found him. In my garage. And since I am a rooster aficionado... I added him to my little collection. He sits proudly in my kitchen now. With all of his big brothers. Oh, my kitchen is just so hip!
If you are at all jealous of my little orange rooster... don't be. Look below.
This is the notebook I carried in the 5th grade.
I am very embarrassed. I should have been then, too. But I think I was too dumb. Or too busy making orange chickens.
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