Um, which of those two statements are not true. And don't say both.
Okay, I'm not all packed, but the trip really did move. I'M NOW GOING TO BE HOME FOR HALLOWEEN.
* candy for Kris * * candy for Kris * * candy for Kris *
This could be very dangerous.
So anyway, we will now be closing on the condo one day later than planned. And although it's just one day, it throws the entire universe into a spin. One day means that we close on Halloween now instead of October 30th. It means that I can no longer take that particular weekend plus two extra days off work and "move in" to my new condo ... and set up the furniture. One little day did all that! You see, I'll have nowhere to stay. And I seriously doubt that the sellers of that condo want me bunking in with them. Plus, they're taking their stupid furniture with them. The nerve.
BUT ... they are leaving me a table and four chairs! Who needs to sleep? As long as I have a place to sit and eat!! Okay, never mind. I'll move in with them. They can cook for me. I may be tired but I'll have food in my belly.
Does Dominos deliver to Coeur D'Alene? Does anyone?
So, here's what I do have going into the condo ... and being left behind:

This little table stays. As does these four chairs. I don't need the high chair tray. So it'll probably stay. Just 'cause.
Here's what I wish were staying ...
Yep, everyone needs an "Always kiss me goodnight" plac.
Actually we do.
Okay, okay. I wish the bed were staying. It's gonna be mighty uncomfortable sleeping on this:
That goldfish takes up WAY too much room.
Probably hogs all the covers, too. You know how goldfish are ...
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